Title : The Quake Dragon Filename : Dragon.zip Version : 1.0 Beta Date : 21/11/96 Authors : Mdls : Vengence of The Lone Gunmen Sounds : Vengence of The Lone Gunmen Quake C : Jaymz & Vengence of The Lone Gunmen Emails : swab13@gmail.com (Author) g.fullerton@qut.edu.au Credits : id software for their killer game Quake! for their QTEST version of Quake the Dragon was Based on!! and id software's mdl tools. Ideas : Hitman & Vengence of The Lone Gunmen Alpha Testers : Hitman, Jaymz & Vengence of The Lone Gunmen Johannes Plass for his burn/weld code that I used. Brian Martin, The Author of Meddle Rene Post, The Author of QuakeMe Build time: a few days, so far... Note: This is a BETA version of the Quake Dragon. We thought you all might want a taste of what the Quake Dragon so far. But remember, this is a BETA. Type of Mod ----------- Quake C : yes Sound : yes MDL : yes (Including gibs) Format of QuakeC (if a Quake C Mod) ----------------------------------- unified diff : no context diff : no .qc files : no progs.dat : yes (well, technically). Description of the Modification ------------------------------- The one you've been waiting for. The Lone Gunmen are proud to give you The Dragon! This sucker flies around, and can burn you (and other things) to a crisp. He has a tendancy to set things on fire, so unless you find some water, or a BIO-Suit fast, you're gonna go up in smoke.... How to get the sucker working: Simply start Quake with the 'Quake -game Dragon' or whatever directory you put it in and start the quick sample level Vengence whipped up. Type 'map dragon' at the console, and have a look at it. For those that like to make levels, you can make your own levels for the dragon. Just include the new classname "monster_dragon" in your custom maps. Known bugs * Sometimes the Dragon flies through walls (depending on texture) * Sometimes the Sounds don't stop when they should How to Install the Modification ------------------------------- Create a directory called DRAGON as a subdirectory in your Quake directory (parallel to the ID1 directory) extract the archive to the DRAGON directory. DO NOT, we repeat, DO NOT copy the pak0.pak file over the top of your existing one. That'll screw it right up. The directory structure should look something like this: QUAKE (Directory you installed Quake to) | |-- ID1 (Original Quake game files) | |-- DRAGON (Dragon modification files go here) To play, type Quake -game dragon from the Quake directory. This modification only works with the registered version of Quake, so if you haven't got it, stop being a suck, and buy the damn game already. id deserve your money! Author Information ------------------ Jaymz, Hitman and Vengence are the founding members of The Lone Gunmen, amongst the very first Quake clans to be created. The Lone Gunmen intend to create all-new add-ons for Quake, AND dominate the Australian Quake Clan scene. If you wish to help us with developing our projects, then please e-mail Jaymz at lcullen@eis.net.au or visit The Lone Gunmen HQ at: http://www2.eis.net.au/~lcullen/tlg/index.html and check out our online membership form. Vengence has made a couple of levels before, but this is the first QuakeC project that he's worked on. Jaymz has made two other QuakeC patches: TLGBot (aka Larva) and RemoteRidicule for Quake. Hitman has had no Quake editing experience, but he intends to catch up soon.... Copyright and Distribution Permissions -------------------------------------- QuakeC code & new models Copyright 1996 The Lone Gunmen. Dragon Skin Copyright 1996, id software. Based on original Dragon .MDL from QTEST1 by id Software Authors MAY use this patch as a base for other publically available work, but this patch MAY NOT, repeat, MAY NOT be packaged on a CD-ROM without our permission. Penalty for crossing us is immediate death. You may distribute this Quake modification in any electronic format as long as all the files in this archive remain intact and unmodified, and doesn't conflict with anything we've said above. Availability ------------ This patch is available from the following places: FTP : ftp.cdrom.com in the /pub/quake/quakec/monsters directory (no doubt) HTTP : http:/www2.eis.net.au/~lcullen/tlg/index.html (The Lone Gunmen HQ)