Title : The Severed Player Patch 1.0 Source Code Filename : playsrc.zip Date : 09/02/97 Author : Vengence of The Lone Gunmen Emails : swab13@gmail.com (Author) g.fullerton@qut.edu.au Credits : id software for teaching us that Killing is Fun! id software's mdl tools. Copyright and Distribution Permissions -------------------------------------- Patch Copyright 1997 Steve Winston-Brown. a.k.a. Vengence of The Lone Gunmen. QuakeC source is Copyright 1996, id software. Authors MAY use this patch as a base for other publically available work, but this patch MAY NOT, repeat, MAY NOT be packaged on a CD-ROM without my permission!! This patch may be used on a public or commercial Quake server as long as it's all legal and you get my permission. You can use this Source Code for other patchs as long as credit is given to it's original author, Vengence of The Lone Gunmen. Any Quake Addon, based on this code, should be mailed to us so we can check it out. We'd also like the authors of new Quake Addons who use this source to mail us a copy of their projects. Should you require our frames, you better have a bloody good reason. A lot of hard work was put into them, and it took ages to get them just right. However, we are willing to give them out to authors making cool patches who need to modify the frames. Mail either of the above email addresses, and we'll get back to you as soon as possbile. You may distribute this Quake modification in any electronic format as long as all the files in this archive remain intact and unmodified, and doesn't conflict with anything I've said above. Description of the Modification ------------------------------- You're playing Quake deathmatch, running and shooting, when you hit some sucker in front of you with a rocket. It wasn't their lucky day. The Quaker's starts bleeding profusely as an arm flys towards you! COOL!! Yes, it has arrived, "Severed - the new Player MDL". You can now run around in deathmatch, and blow/cut off other Quaker's arms, legs and Heads. You're arm goes first. Once you've only got one arm, you can't pick up weapons or ammo, but you can still get yourself some health and armor. You can still pickup the powerups, but the quad won't do you much good. With only one arm, it becomes a bit harder to control movement around the level. Next goes you're leg. When you've only one leg, you can't move very fast. You can hop/jump around the level, still bleeding profusely. You still cannot pickup weapons or ammo, but hope you can find you're savior, the megahealth. As you're moving very slowly around the level with only one leg, another Quaker can run up and decapitate you. One lop with their axe, and OFF WITH YOU'RE HEAD!!! The megahealth has special properties. When it is picked up, it will immediately regenerate the last limb that you lost. So, you had better know where they are. It's gotta be said, that in DeathMatch it's really cool to follow a limping, wounded Quaker waiting just until they're almost in reach of the megahealth, and then circle strafing around in front of them and gibbing them with your Double Barrel. Hey, bet you cant stop your self from doing it! The Rocket Launcher, Grenade Launcher, Super Shotgun and Axe all blow off arms and legs, but only the Super Shotgun and the Axe can decapitate Quakers. Commands: None really. Just start up a deathmatch game and blow off each others limbs all night. Known bugs: You can get blown out of a level if you take a really big hit. Let us know if you find any, and mail us at the above email address's, your comments and suggestions are welcome too! Author Information ------------------ Author of the Quake Dragon. Author of the TLG Base Level for Quake Author of the Oldwest Level for Quake Author of the PlaceBot Patch for Quake Author of The "Severed" New Player Patch for Quake & QuakeWorld Author of The PlaceBot Mk 2 for Quake Availability ------------ This patch is available from the following places: FTP : ftp.cdrom.com HTTP : http:/www2.eis.net.au/~lcullen/tlg/ (The Current Lone Gunmen HQ) http://www.bluesnews.com/ (Blue's News)