As one of the founding Quake Clans, and the first Quake Clan in Australia,
The Lone Gunmen are proud to have been associated with the following
It's fun gibbing these people in the back, in clan battles, and generally
hanging out with these people enjoying this thing we call QUAKE.
The following people have moved on, for various reasons, work, sex, money,
fame and fortune and are no longer active quake playing members of The Lone
Gunmen. Hell, some of the better Quakers are even playing for other clans,
not that we hold gudges or anything... ;) That being said, all of the
following have at one time or another been proud to call themselves
'Lone Gunmen'.
- Ado
- Blade
- DemiUrge
- Fish
- Freaek
- ]-[ITMAN
- Incubus
- Jaymz
- Macca
- Mortis
- Ner'Zhul
- Q
- Raven
- Shadow
- Shane
- SpaceCat
- StormE
- Vengence
- Volante
- Warhammer
- Wilbur
And the rest of the people who we've forgotten, we can't remember everyone...